Tell AI to take a hike

Biggest fuck up As a self-published author, my biggest marketing/advertising fuckup without a doubt was advertising somebody else's product on Facebook Ads. I got the...

Just Do The Damn Thing, Mindfully©

As a naturally anxious and introverted person, I used to say no to pretty much everything and I really felt like it held me back.

This shit is for dinosaurs

I came in with guns blazing about their "old approach" to marketing—TV & Radio ads, billboards—I thought all that shit was for dinosaurs

Fitting in is a failure

The most useful piece of advice I have heard is "In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible" from Seth Godin.

Don’t underestimate a GEN-Z woman 

The more unique you are, the more backlash you get, and that’s how you make a name for yourself.

The utterly unemployable entrepreneur 

I was very honest with my buyers. I told them I was unstable. Including that, if I was up at 5 am, I was still partying with mates, clients, politicians, and celebrities. 

Best of NWB

The mother of all mistakes

There’s no other single thing that’s had as significant and negative an impact on my career as having children.

CEOs called Elizabeth, risky strategies, and how to get lucky

Luck plays such a significant role in so many successes, yet it seems somehow disingenuous or deceitful, so we look for rational reasons instead.

A death-threat-inducing fuck up, and adlands obsession with ‘why’

Biggest fuck up? Over the last 15 years, there’s been...

Brave advertising and where being a creative goofball can take you

Someone along the line becomes afraid of making a statement; afraid of being too ‘out there’; afraid of upsetting their boss.

Poisoned partnerships, being the wrong age, and how you can have it all

Slow down, you're going to have a very long life, and you will work till you are at least 70. You don't have to work full pelt for nearly fifty years.

Echo chambers and LinkedIn police

My biggest fuck up was growing up thinking that being older or being in senior management meant that you knew what you were talking about.

How not to be an arrogant prick

Lessons learned: don’t be an arrogant prick, never show off, engage brain before mouth, and ALWAYS have empathy and respect for others.

You say it best when you say nothing at all

I forgave him and learned my lesson long ago. I don’t know if he ever did. We haven’t spoken in twenty years.

Giving zero fucks

This supposed imposter syndrome isn’t a result of your fragile brain, it’s the structural toxicity of many managers and work environments.

Change Your Life by Understanding Yourself

When it comes to truly changing your life, I think most people should avoid "prescriptions" in books, podcasts, and even articles like these!

The Contrepreneur

THE self-appointed, uninspirational, backwards thinking "leader" currently influencing thousands of below-average people

Confessions of a HR Professional

I spent too long ensuring that the captains of the industry got free rein, encouraging toxic cultures.

Mental illness and new beginnings

At the age of 39 after developing severe depression, I realised I had been aiming for the wrong career goal.

Learning about self worth in Weston-Super-Mare

He wanted me to be in the office every day because of his apparent insecurity and need to be overly controlling.

Losing your corporate innocence

That moment marked the end of my innocence in the corporate world. It marked the end of loyalty, the end of trust, and the end of my youth.

I’m a materialistic, ambitious, status-craving idiot

We don’t think about this stuff because it’s bloody scary. It’s hard. It’s embarrassing. It’s a bit hippy, it makes us feel vulnerable.

Taking business lessons from Sylvester Stallone

Being punched in the face repeatedly by a man twice your size is great motivation to get your act together.

Hot right now

It took me 10 years to recover my confidence

That job, getting fired, and eighteen months of failing to overcome mediocre work set me and my career back.

Please don’t reach out

I understand the need to talk the same language as your audience but does it really have to come at the cost of our beautiful language?

Fuck milk

This was our first project for a huge household brand. I saw our hard work closing the deal, and my financial projections disappear in front of my eyes.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it

We need to learn how to respond, rather than react to other people online.

The Yes Man

In retrospect, I should have just watched “Yes Man”...

Reducing your reliance on devices and social media

I was summoned to London to see the sales director. I knew I hadn’t royally screwed up, but when you’re dealing with a hairdryer of a human, you never know.

Lazy phrasing can hurt others

Seeking to be inclusive and politically correct is a good thing in business and shouldn't be seen as a weakness

All the names above the door were creatives

Before long, we were having secret chats about what a creative agency for the new millennium might look like.

The utterly unemployable entrepreneur 

I was very honest with my buyers. I told them I was unstable. Including that, if I was up at 5 am, I was still partying with mates, clients, politicians, and celebrities. 

Agency life

Good ads wear in, not out

There’s this fallacy among marketers that, even if it’s working, an ad should only be run for a couple of months before audiences will get sick of it.

Red flags and the toxic topless boss

I'm scared because of what the people in these stories might say and what you might think of me. But putting it out there feels cathartic and unburdening.

Self-doubt, freedom from bureaucracy, and the search for meaning

I dream of a world in which people doing creative work are able to suffer only their own internal pain and not be pushed through bureaucracy that causes them additional pain.

I thought I was going to have to eat grass

There were times when things did get hairy for me when I had no clients, and I wondered about where the money was going to come from.

CEOs called Elizabeth, risky strategies, and how to get lucky

Luck plays such a significant role in so many successes, yet it seems somehow disingenuous or deceitful, so we look for rational reasons instead.

Growth, no matter what

I was making more than I had dreamed of, but I was tired, unhappy, and resentful of my business. 

AI couldn’t match Don Draper

AI would be useless back in the “Mad Men” era. It couldn’t do what Don Draper did. No AI could pull off “It’s toasted.”

D-list people and upsetting spies

I’ve had some projects that have landed with a bang, but nothing close to nuclear. 

Poisoned partnerships, being the wrong age, and how you can have it all

Slow down, you're going to have a very long life, and you will work till you are at least 70. You don't have to work full pelt for nearly fifty years.