Tag: Clients
A single client
It’s always great to have a steady supply of work when you’re freelance. If you have someone offering you 20-30 hours of steady work, you’re obviously going to take it.
Selling dreams rather than deliverables
Buzzword-driven strategies that lack substance take away from creating value for clients through meaningful connections with their audience.
Your identity isn’t solely what you do for a living
Of course, it’s great to love what you do. But if you change paths or fall out of love with something - that’s ok.
Give it a year and you’ll be advising the United Nations
Juiced up on my own self-importance, I had an air of invincibility. I was untouchable.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it
We need to learn how to respond, rather than react to other people online.
A lesson in being humble, presenteeism, and writers networks
The 9-5 mindset is so outdated. Measuring someone’s performance based on how many hours they’ve been in the office, will get you nowhere.
The marketing industry’s no barrier to entry and why you should be choosy with clients
The sheer amount of blagging and bullshit in the digital marketing world has been pissing me off on a daily basis for nearly 20 years.
A death-threat-inducing fuck up, and adlands obsession with ‘why’
Biggest fuck up?
Over the last 15 years, there’s been plenty of moments that – at the time – looked like Mr Fuck Up had...
Echo chambers and LinkedIn police
My biggest fuck up was growing up thinking that being older or being in senior management meant that you knew what you were talking about.
Accidental texts, performance miscalculations and what you should never apologise for
I was lucky to have a client who was both forgiving, and receptive. I learned from this experience to never ever badmouth or underestimate a client.
The “good enough” people are dangerous
I remember his opening line, “what makes you think you can get away with that with me?” I had become the person I wanted to destroy.
The problem with setting sky-high expectations
Apart from the classic wiping a memory card by accident, I’ve made loads of mistakes. The one I’m about to lay out though is a pivotal moment in my career.