Tag: Advertising
Good ads wear in, not out
There’s this fallacy among marketers that, even if it’s working, an ad should only be run for a couple of months before audiences will get sick of it.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
I worked for a mobile tech start up in San Diego in the early 2000s. This had some rockstar founders and was supposed to be a huge thing. I was part of their round one of hires.
DEI is treated as a trend
I said something in a fit of frustration that’s been rolling around in my mind ever since: DEI was made for us, but it's killing us.
Holding hands with the agency president
I had been a copywriter in advertising for about three years by then, which was just long enough to know I didn’t belong in that room.
Saatchi Kate and Addict Kate
By all conventional measures, I was highly successful..but by 2004, I was struggling with addiction to alcohol.
It took me 10 years to recover my confidence
That job, getting fired, and eighteen months of failing to overcome mediocre work set me and my career back.
Fuck milk
This was our first project for a huge household brand. I saw our hard work closing the deal, and my financial projections disappear in front of my eyes.
Opinions are like arseholes, everybody’s got one
If you work in marketing or advertising, you're surrounded by opinions. Some people don't like green in their logo. Some people don't like sentences beginning with "And" or "But."
Scammers, invisible ad agencies, and being successful before 21
This distorted view made me believe I needed to be successful by 21. Which lead to me taking bigger risks and making a lot of mistakes.
A death-threat-inducing fuck up, and adlands obsession with ‘why’
Biggest fuck up?
Over the last 15 years, there’s been plenty of moments that – at the time – looked like Mr Fuck Up had...
Poisoned partnerships, being the wrong age, and how you can have it all
Slow down, you're going to have a very long life, and you will work till you are at least 70. You don't have to work full pelt for nearly fifty years.
Accidental texts, performance miscalculations and what you should never apologise for
I was lucky to have a client who was both forgiving, and receptive. I learned from this experience to never ever badmouth or underestimate a client.