Tag: burnout
Saatchi Kate and Addict Kate
By all conventional measures, I was highly successful..but by 2004, I was struggling with addiction to alcohol.
Spending too much time in burnout city
I've always worked in startups, and the "we're a family with a higher mission" attitude often leads to a lack of personal life and a complete lack of balance.
Speak up, hang up and cheap personalisation
My biggest mistake would be not speaking up enough earlier on in my career. It’s taken a while and I wish I’d learnt to do it sooner with confidence and conviction.
The perils of pleasing everyone
I had massive anxiety that everything else I was doing at work was shit. The biggest thing I learned was to make a decision early and stick to it.
Giving zero fucks
This supposed imposter syndrome isn’t a result of your fragile brain, it’s the structural toxicity of many managers and work environments.