Tag: Bad bosses

Red flags and the toxic topless boss

I'm scared because of what the people in these stories might say and what you might think of me. But putting it out there feels cathartic and unburdening.

A lesson in being humble, presenteeism, and writers networks

The 9-5 mindset is so outdated. Measuring someone’s performance based on how many hours they’ve been in the office, will get you nowhere.

A guide to navigating the world of effective leadership

Pondering on behaviours that I have seen and sometimes exhibit when it comes to giving feedback, testing ideas and creating solutions, I have discovered how you become a bad leader.

You say it best when you say nothing at all

I forgave him and learned my lesson long ago. I don’t know if he ever did. We haven’t spoken in twenty years.

Learning about self worth in Weston-Super-Mare

He wanted me to be in the office every day because of his apparent insecurity and need to be overly controlling.

Losing your corporate innocence

That moment marked the end of my innocence in the corporate world. It marked the end of loyalty, the end of trust, and the end of my youth.