Tag: Agencies

The “good enough” people are dangerous

I remember his opening line, “what makes you think you can get away with that with me?” I had become the person I wanted to destroy.

Spending a lifetime deciding on a career

I had little to no clue what I wanted to do with myself when I left school. My biggest fuck up is the time it took me to decide on a career.

Candidates not ready for the commercial world

We live in a cut-throat world so when at work, the primary focus should be delivering amazing work. I'm not sure the younger generation has worked that out.

How not to be an arrogant prick

Lessons learned: don’t be an arrogant prick, never show off, engage brain before mouth, and ALWAYS have empathy and respect for others.

The perils of pleasing everyone

I had massive anxiety that everything else I was doing at work was shit. The biggest thing I learned was to make a decision early and stick to it.

Looking down on job hoppers

Don’t cram your to-do list! Half of it is lower priority crap anyway. Do fewer things well rather than loads of tasks half-arsed.

Letting go of Control

I had no lack of faith in the design team, but something in me just couldn’t commit to completely relinquishing control.

Growing a business too fast

We took on a huge studio but it looked daft when there was only two people sat at opposite ends of the room.