Tag: Agencies

I thought I was going to have to eat grass

There were times when things did get hairy for me when I had no clients, and I wondered about where the money was going to come from.

Heroes and villains

My survival mode is buttfuck ugly. My saviour complex manifested as - most of our people are really shit and can’t do their jobs I need to show them.

Fuck milk

This was our first project for a huge household brand. I saw our hard work closing the deal, and my financial projections disappear in front of my eyes.

There’s no greater destruction of value than pitching

As a client, you’d rather use sandpaper for loo roll whilst suffering a ferocious bout of stomach flu than sit through an afternoon of agency pitches.

True change requires a long hard look in the mirror

People pay lip service to diversity, equity, and inclusion without thinking about intersectionality, anti-racism, anti-casteism, or decolonisation.

Opinions are like arseholes, everybody’s got one

If you work in marketing or advertising, you're surrounded by opinions. Some people don't like green in their logo. Some people don't like sentences beginning with "And" or "But."

Millionaire influencers were selling spades in the gold rush

I should have tried to educate more people about agenda, marketing and seeing through it all to what lies beneath. To make up your own mind.

Unbuckle your seatbelt

A little fuck-up on an empty plane that made me question myself led to a startup that’s still going strong nearly 20 years later.

Scammers, invisible ad agencies, and being successful before 21

This distorted view made me believe I needed to be successful by 21. Which lead to me taking bigger risks and making a lot of mistakes.

Red flags and the toxic topless boss

I'm scared because of what the people in these stories might say and what you might think of me. But putting it out there feels cathartic and unburdening.

All the names above the door were creatives

Before long, we were having secret chats about what a creative agency for the new millennium might look like.

The bitterness and cynicism of the untalented

The ones with zero self-awareness and who offer only disparaging critique of the latest creative work.