Tag: Agencies

Fighting the ‘prove branding works’ brigade

The thing that angers me as a planner is having to spend so much of my time justifying why people should invest money in their brand.

CEOs called Elizabeth, risky strategies, and how to get lucky

Luck plays such a significant role in so many successes, yet it seems somehow disingenuous or deceitful, so we look for rational reasons instead.

The marketing industry’s no barrier to entry and why you should be choosy with clients

The sheer amount of blagging and bullshit in the digital marketing world has been pissing me off on a daily basis for nearly 20 years.

A death-threat-inducing fuck up, and adlands obsession with ‘why’

Biggest fuck up? Over the last 15 years, there’s been plenty of moments that – at the time – looked like Mr Fuck Up had...

Brave advertising and where being a creative goofball can take you

Someone along the line becomes afraid of making a statement; afraid of being too ‘out there’; afraid of upsetting their boss.

Poisoned partnerships, being the wrong age, and how you can have it all

Slow down, you're going to have a very long life, and you will work till you are at least 70. You don't have to work full pelt for nearly fifty years.

Echo chambers and LinkedIn police

My biggest fuck up was growing up thinking that being older or being in senior management meant that you knew what you were talking about.

Accidental texts, performance miscalculations and what you should never apologise for

I was lucky to have a client who was both forgiving, and receptive. I learned from this experience to never ever badmouth or underestimate a client.

Self-doubt, freedom from bureaucracy, and the search for meaning

I dream of a world in which people doing creative work are able to suffer only their own internal pain and not be pushed through bureaucracy that causes them additional pain.

The pressure to grow, cherry-picking zealots and proving yourself wrong

If you tell someone you run your own business, the next question they ask is, ‘How big is it?’. This creates a lot of social pressure to make the business as big as possible (regardless of whether that’s the right thing to do). 

Losing respect, unethical advertising and the wisdom of age

I would like to see more media owners taking a stronger stand on whom they’re affiliated with through their advertisers.

Speak up, hang up and cheap personalisation

My biggest mistake would be not speaking up enough earlier on in my career. It’s taken a while and I wish I’d learnt to do it sooner with confidence and conviction.