Tag: Career Decisions

Bad career moves, social media snake oil and content writing tips

I was literally getting calls from the Group FD who was now running the business, as my wife went into labour.

Spending a lifetime deciding on a career

I had little to no clue what I wanted to do with myself when I left school. My biggest fuck up is the time it took me to decide on a career.

Giving zero fucks

This supposed imposter syndrome isn’t a result of your fragile brain, it’s the structural toxicity of many managers and work environments.

Looking down on job hoppers

Don’t cram your to-do list! Half of it is lower priority crap anyway. Do fewer things well rather than loads of tasks half-arsed.

Change Your Life by Understanding Yourself

When it comes to truly changing your life, I think most people should avoid "prescriptions" in books, podcasts, and even articles like these!

Sales snobbery and comfort zone regrets

Biggest fuck up? My main regret is not stepping out of my 'comfort zone' sooner. I allowed my preconceptions of the working world and the paradigms...

Mental illness and new beginnings

At the age of 39 after developing severe depression, I realised I had been aiming for the wrong career goal.

Reducing your reliance on devices and social media

I was summoned to London to see the sales director. I knew I hadn’t royally screwed up, but when you’re dealing with a hairdryer of a human, you never know.

Post university entitlement

My biggest mistake was getting sucked into the social media, thinking that you simply build a budget website, put a few products together, and money would flow in.

Learning about self worth in Weston-Super-Mare

He wanted me to be in the office every day because of his apparent insecurity and need to be overly controlling.

The reality of a terrible job move

The business values were a world away from mine. A quick chat with a recruiter would have warned me off.