Tag: Advertising

Self-doubt, freedom from bureaucracy, and the search for meaning

I dream of a world in which people doing creative work are able to suffer only their own internal pain and not be pushed through bureaucracy that causes them additional pain.

The “good enough” people are dangerous

I remember his opening line, “what makes you think you can get away with that with me?” I had become the person I wanted to destroy.

How not to be an arrogant prick

Lessons learned: don’t be an arrogant prick, never show off, engage brain before mouth, and ALWAYS have empathy and respect for others.

The perils of pleasing everyone

I had massive anxiety that everything else I was doing at work was shit. The biggest thing I learned was to make a decision early and stick to it.

You say it best when you say nothing at all

I forgave him and learned my lesson long ago. I don’t know if he ever did. We haven’t spoken in twenty years.

Giving zero fucks

This supposed imposter syndrome isn’t a result of your fragile brain, it’s the structural toxicity of many managers and work environments.

Sales snobbery and comfort zone regrets

Biggest fuck up? My main regret is not stepping out of my 'comfort zone' sooner. I allowed my preconceptions of the working world and the paradigms...