
D-list people and upsetting spies

I’ve had some projects that have landed with a bang, but nothing close to nuclear. 

It took me 10 years to recover my confidence

That job, getting fired, and eighteen months of failing to overcome mediocre work set me and my career back.


Getting stuck in a career you're not that into, for nearly two decades.

Selling dreams rather than deliverables

Buzzword-driven strategies that lack substance take away from creating value for clients through meaningful connections with their audience.

Blonde PR girl of the week

I get very upset about how PR is portrayed, as glorified spin doctors or the glam, constantly partying consumer PR image.

Trusting people to run my agency

When I realised that staff had lied, been lazy, and we were losing accounts left, right, and centre, it sent me into a spiral of anger...

I thought I was going to have to eat grass

There were times when things did get hairy for me when I had no clients, and I wondered about where the money was going to come from.

Everyone thinks they can do marketing

Marketing is so much more than designing something in Canva and posting it on social media.

Your identity isn’t solely what you do for a living

Of course, it’s great to love what you do. But if you change paths or fall out of love with something - that’s ok. 

Pissing off a million Mancunians

If you’re a creative then fucking use your gifts for good and not for selling shit to sleepwalkers.

Heroes and villains

My survival mode is buttfuck ugly. My saviour complex manifested as - most of our people are really shit and can’t do their jobs I need to show them.

Why it’s bad to problem-solve everything

It's not about appearing smart; it's about empowering others to develop their capabilities.

Fuck milk

This was our first project for a huge household brand. I saw our hard work closing the deal, and my financial projections disappear in front of my eyes.

There’s no greater destruction of value than pitching

As a client, you’d rather use sandpaper for loo roll whilst suffering a ferocious bout of stomach flu than sit through an afternoon of agency pitches.

True change requires a long hard look in the mirror

People pay lip service to diversity, equity, and inclusion without thinking about intersectionality, anti-racism, anti-casteism, or decolonisation.

Opinions are like arseholes, everybody’s got one

If you work in marketing or advertising, you're surrounded by opinions. Some people don't like green in their logo. Some people don't like sentences beginning with "And" or "But."

Millionaire influencers were selling spades in the gold rush

I should have tried to educate more people about agenda, marketing and seeing through it all to what lies beneath. To make up your own mind.

Be a happy warrior

I’ve worked with creatives who’ll spend hours complaining about the brief, the deadline, the account handler, the client, the industry, other creatives and just about everything. 

Unbuckle your seatbelt

A little fuck-up on an empty plane that made me question myself led to a startup that’s still going strong nearly 20 years later.

The force you need to push for inclusion

I sometimes hear from people, “but we’re only hiring the best person for the job,” or “I couldn’t find any diverse talent”, as a reason to have a monoculture in the agency; it's painful.


It took me 10 years to recover my confidence

That job, getting fired, and eighteen months of failing to overcome mediocre work set me and my career back.

Please don’t reach out

I understand the need to talk the same language as your audience but does it really have to come at the cost of our beautiful language?

Fuck milk

This was our first project for a huge household brand. I saw our hard work closing the deal, and my financial projections disappear in front of my eyes.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it

We need to learn how to respond, rather than react to other people online.

Reducing your reliance on devices and social media

I was summoned to London to see the sales director. I knew I hadn’t royally screwed up, but when you’re dealing with a hairdryer of a human, you never know.