This week’s interviewee is Paul Randall, Senior UX Architect at Evosite. Paul has been improving user and customer experiences for over ten years, helping clients such as Flogas and Screwfix make more money online. With a comprehensive skill set in both design and development, he understands deeply every single aspect of purchase flows and user journeys.
1. Biggest mistake you made in the last year & how you fixed it?
Although I’ve spent the last few years working on improving user experiences when I moved to the agency I work at now I almost forgot that many companies still aren’t aware of the concept or the benefits. Very few considered how people actually used their sites. I was quite shocked that so many key decisions were being made by stakeholders with little rationale. I don’t think they realised the potential impact their decisions could be making.
So I’ve been spending a lot of time educating clients about the process, which has been really rewarding to see them ‘get it’ and fully embrace user experience and optimisation. As one client mentioned, they went from “gut led” to “insight led” overnight.
We can all get caught up in our own specialisms and forget that others don’t always see things in the same way.
2. A lightbulb moment
I always avoided giving presentations, but in 2016 it was thrust at me and I ended up doing six of them! Talking about a topic in front of lots of people (especially peer groups) makes you think really hard about what you’re doing and strengthens your communication skills when talking with clients and putting across a point. I had always been told that public speaking was a vital thing to do, and now I know why and encourage everyone to do a little bit.
Whilst I still don’t find speaking easy, I see now how vital it was to further me as a person professionally.
3. Tip for tomorrow
Share some insights you found with someone. A colleague, a client, on Twitter. Don’t get worried about someone copying you, or stealing your ideas. If anything, it may spark a debate and you’ll both end up getting more out of it. In general, collaborate more with other people. I’ve always found it produces better work.
Want to share your advice?
NWB confessional style interviews are posted every Monday from people in the business community. They are not self-promoting, or carefully selected quotes to make you sound good. They are full of useful, actionable insights from experience, not egos or bravado. If you like NWB’s style and have something useful to say, we’d love to interview you. Tweet @nowankybollocks or email katie [at]